Everyone sees your skin, so you want to make sure to take care of it. This is easier said than done as the skin is one of the most porous parts of the body, meaning that when you apply commercial skin care products, their chemicals seep into your body, which can cause long term damage.
Rather than putting your health at risk, try the following 10 natural skin care tips:
Make your skin shine
To keep your skin glowing, mix a 2:1 ratio of olive oil and sea salt, then apply it to your skin. Gently scrub it in the tub to remove dead skin cells. This results in a softer skin with more glow.
Get rid of pimples
Cut a lemon into wedges and place 4 or 5 drops of raw honey on it. Then, rub the wedge mixture on your face for at least a minute. Be sure to hit all the most common areas where your pimples usually form (as well as any existing pimples). Once you have applied enough mixture, let it sit for about five minutes before rinsing it with cold water.
Make sure to do this before bed, because the citrus in lemon can make your skin photosensitive and cause damage if you head directly outside.
Eat consciously
Everyone knows that vitamin C and antioxidants are good for your skin, but replacing unnatural sugars and fats (such as those found in candy bars or other sweet treats) can help promote radiant skin. This is because high levels of sugar increases the amount of insulin in your blood, which hampers your cell’s ability to maintain balance. In addition, avoid spicy, fermented, salty and fried foods to keep your skin looking great.
Hydrate yourself
To keep healthy you should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. This helps keep your skin cells hydrated and functioning properly. You could spritz rose water on your face (especially around your eyes) to balance your pH level and reduce eye puffiness.
Avoid stress
Stress causes you to produce cortisol and other chemicals that make your skin oily. This increases the likelihood that you will break out. While it is impossible to completely avoid stress, and some people are more prone to worry than others, it can help to learn to deal with stress in healthy ways. Examples of this include breathing exercises, yoga or meditation.
Workout (your face)
Weightlifters concentrate on large muscles such as biceps and leg muscles, but if you want to seep your skin wrinkle free, you need to work out your facial muscles for about 5 minutes a day.
Get into the wilderness
The pollution caused by big cities can damage skin, so be sure to take a vacation to somewhere cleaner every time you get the chance. Even a week or two away from pollution can help your skin.
Honey face masks
Raw honey has natural anti-bacteria properties that help improve the tone of your skin. Once a week, rub some raw honey on your face and leave it there for 5-10 minutes before rinsing it with warm water.
Replace your shaving cream
The chemicals in shaving cream can cause small reactions, which mar your otherwise perfect skin with bumps and small rashes. For a smooth shave every time, replace your shaving cream with coconut oil, aloe vera or other biological ingredients.
Using organic skincare products because of their pure & simple ingredients and due to they are free from harmful chemicals formula can nourish and support the skin in a safe and healthy way.
After doing your own research about skin care, we recommend you to have a look to the following:
Bio Facial Peeling
Bio Cream Regulator for mixed & oily skin
Hyalogen C+Apro
Pomeluran Anti-ageing formula
Antistress Valerian
Bio Detox Mask
Men’s After Shave Balm
Irene Diamantopoulou
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