ADHD, Learning Disabilities: Improve Your Child’s Cognitive Functions With Healthy Levels of Omega-3!

The average child is bursting with energy, curiosity and the desire to learn. When their brain cells are exposed to mind-suppressive dyes and artificial ingredients, the child’s natural state is forced into an erratic and inattentive one, as their physiology tries to cope. In their ADHD state, their mind is calling out for nourishment, for the foods that encourage brain development. Constant bombardment of refined sugars, whether it be in cereals, Pop-Tarts, candy or soda, can exacerbate their inattentiveness, causing short-term hyperactivity. When a child is unable to hold attention, when their hyperactivity is taking over, their body is sending the signal that something is missing.
Some parents may turn to discipline. Some may turn to drugging their child, but there may be a more integrative approach for easing erratic behavior in children. Something as simple as omega-3 fatty acids may be missing in their diet. The child may also be lacking a learning environment that encourages skill building and relationship building.
Inattentive and hyperactive children may simply be lacking omega-3 fatty acids in their diet
In a study at the Sahlgrenska Academy in Sweden, these two approaches were found to be highly effective for treating attention deficit and hyperactivity in children. Cognitive training using collaborative problem solving techniques and supplementation of both omega-3 and -6 fatty acids improved behavior of children, helping them control temper, sit still, control impulses and wait attentively. These methods were much more effective than stimulant medications that are over-prescribed for the ADHD paradigm.
In the study, 75 children labeled with ADHD symptoms were separated into two groups. The researchers and the participants carried out a double-blind study, where neither knew who was taking a placebo or who was taking the actual supplements. The first group consumed fatty acids for three months; the others took placebo. Of the participants who had the inattentive subtype of ADHD, over a third (35 percent) taking omega fatty acids saw clinical improvement in their behavior and attention within the three-month period. Follow-up blood samples of those who saw improvements revealed a better balance of the two fatty acids flowing in their blood, nourishing their brain. After six months, there was a reduction of at least 25 percent in ADHD symptoms for nearly half (47 percent) of participating children.
Cognitive training technique boosted skill building and communication of inattentive children
Along with the success of the omega fatty acid supplementation, the researchers implemented a cognitive training method called Collaborative Problem Solving in a study involving 17 children. This non-punitive, collaborative, skill-building and relationship-enhancing intervention technique was effective at 10 weeks and up to six months afterward according to families’ follow-up assessments. “Our study of CPS as a treatment for ADHD and ODD is the first in Sweden. All families in our study completed the treatment, and half of them experienced a large or very large improvement of the behavioral problems,” said researcher Mats Johnson.
When push comes to shove, it’s not the prescription pills that kids are lacking. Their minds were not born with a deficiency of stimulant drugs. Instead, their minds could very well be deprived of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These can be found in fish, walnuts, chia seeds, flax seeds and hemp seeds, to name a few.
Listening to children’s body signals and responding appropriately is more important than just scolding them for their ill behavior. Fueling their brains with the right foods and teaching effective communication and skill building is a dying technique in this fast-paced culture. These are the basics that adults must strive to bring back as the next generation rises up to understand the world around them.
After doing your own research, we recommend you to have a look here.
Dr. Lampros Gerakoulias M.D. {E.H.}