CholesTea (60caps/435mg)


Πράσινο Τσάι, Ρόδι & Βιταμίνη C


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CholesTea - Lowers Cholesterol Naturally

Active Ingredients: Green Tea, Pomegranate, Vitamin C

CholesTea is a dietary supplement containing precise concentrations of polyphenols, catechins and anthocyanins derived from extracts of green tea, pomegranate and vitamin C.

Κλινικές έρευνες αναφέρουν τα εξής οφέλη:
• Μείωση του σπλαχνικού λίπους και μείωση της περιφέρειας της μεσης.*
• Μείωση στην LDL ορού (κακή χοληστερίνη)
• Αύξηση της HDL ορού (καλή χοληστερίνη)
• Αύξηση της συνολικής γλουταθειόνης (GSH) του πλάσματος σε άνδρες
και γυναίκες που πάσχουν από διαβήτη τύπου ΙΙ
• Διέγερση της οστεογένεσης των βλαστοκυττάρων με τελικό αποτέλεσμα
την οστική πυκνότητα (BDM)
• Ενίσχυση του αντιοξειδωτικού αμυντικού συστήματος παρέχοντας προστασία κατά του οξειδωτικού στρες

Άλλες κλινικές έρευνες έδειξαν προστασία από τη δημιουργία αθηρωμάτωσης των αρτηριών και κατ’ επέκταση από καρδιαγγειακά νοσήματα, ενώ επηρεάζεται και η σύσπαση των λείων μυϊκών ινών που είναι απαραίτητη για την διατήρηση του καρδιακού παλμού.
Σημαντική είναι η δράση στη μείωση της υψηλής αρτηριακής πίεσης, του ουρικού οξέος, του σωματικού λίπους και του καρκίνου του προστάτη.  Επιμηκύνει τον μετεγχειρητικό χρόνο διπλασιασμού του PSA, ενώ καθυστερεί τον πολλαπλασιασμό των καρκινικών κυττάρων και προκαλεί τον θάνατό τους. Περισσότερες έρευνες έδειξαν θετική επίδραση στη φθορά των χόνδρων, στη νόσο Aλτσχάιμερ και στην παρεμπόδιση δημιουργίας όγκων του δέρματος.


Green Tea

Green tea comes from the leaves of the plant Camellia sinensis. The polyphenols found in green tea are more commonly known as flavanols or catechins and comprise 30-40% of the dry weight of green tea leaves. The main catechins are catechin, gallaogatechin, epicatechin, epigallocatechin, epicatechin gallate, and epigallocatechin gallate (also known as EGCG). The latter has the highest concentration in tea. It also contains alkaloids such as caffeine, theobromine and theophylline, which are responsible for its stimulating action. Finally, it contains an amino acid derivative, L-theanine, which has been studied for its calming effects on the nervous system. Green tea extracts have been extensively studied in in vitro experiments. Results from these studies have shown that green tea can have a beneficial effect in the following situations:

1. Atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease

Helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease due to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Studies have shown that the consumption of green tea is inversely associated with mortality from cardiovascular problems and especially from heart attack, especially in women.

2. Cancer protection

The polyphenols in green tea are thought to contribute to the death of cancer cells and prevent them from growing. This was observed mainly in cancers of the colon, prostate, breast, esophagus, stomach and pancreas. There is also evidence that these substances are chemoprotective and inhibitory to cancers of the lung, skin and liver, bladder and ovaries, leukemia and leukoplakia in the oral cavity.

3. Inflammation

The green polyphenols in green tea inhibit the production of arachidonic acid metabolites, such as prostaglandins and leukotrienes, helping to reduce the inflammatory response. Research demonstrates the ability of EGCG to inhibit inflammatory reactions to ultraviolet A and B radiation, while also significantly reducing neutrophil migration, a phenomenon observed during the onset of inflammation.

4. Antioxidation

Several chronic pathological conditions are the result of oxidative stress and the subsequent generation of free radicals. Some of the conditions associated with these are heart problems, which result from LDL oxidation, cancer types and skin aging. The polyphenols in green tea fight free radicals due to the hydroxyl groups of their chemical structure. These form complexes with the roots and inactivate them, preventing the development of the pathological process.

5. Obesity and weight control

Recent studies on the caloric properties of green tea have shown the synergistic effect between catechin and caffeine polyphenols in inducing thermogenesis by stimulating the sympathetic system. In vitro studies have also shown that EGCG inhibits lipolytic enzymes, which contributes to reduced intestinal lipid absorption.

6. Microbial infections

An in vitro study demonstrated the antimicrobial properties of green tea against a wide variety of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria that cause cystitis, pyelonephritis, diarrhea, dental problems, pneumonia and skin infections.

7. Psoriasis

The combined use of psoralen with ultraviolet A radiation is particularly effective against psoriasis but increases the risk of developing melanoma. Researchers have shown that using green tea extract before and after treatment has prevented DNA damage from the aforementioned treatment regimen.


It is rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, iron and antioxidants, such as selenium and polyphenols, while it is low in calories. In recent decades, significant progress has been made in establishing the pharmacological mechanisms of pomegranate and its individual components. Extract from each part of the fruit seems to have healing properties. Pomegranate Fruit Extract (PFE) juice contains high levels of polyphenolic compounds such as:
Anthocyanins (glycosides of cyanidin, dolphinidine, pelargonidin).2. Greek acid in free (Figure) and its associated form (as ellagitannines (eg punicanalgin, which is a bioactive compound responsible for more than 50% of the antioxidant capacity of pomegranate juice, and glycosides of Greek acid).
3. French acid in its free and bound form (as gallutanins and glycosides of French acid).
4. Flavonoids (quercetin, empherol, luteolin).

Pomegranate juice - Phytonutrients

The most beneficial ingredients of pomegranate extract seem to be:

  • Ellagic acid (Picture), ellagitannins (punicalagins).
  • Punic acid - a rare unsaturated fatty acid of 18 carbon bonds (structurally related to the conjugated linolenic acid).
  • Anthocyanins, anthocyanidins.
  • Flavonoids.
  • Estrogenic flavonols and flavonoids.
Benefits of Pomegranate:
  • It has antioxidant properties
  • It acts against arterial plaque & atherosclerosis
  • It has a beneficial effect on prostate cancer
  • Enhances nitric oxide
  • Contributes to the treatment of diseases
  • It has a positive effect against Alzheimer’s disease
  • It is much stronger than black grape juice, black berry juice, red wine, ascorbic acid and dl-alpha tocopherol

*Research conducted by the Clinical Pharmacology department (University of Athens) on patients with hypercholesterolemia.

For the creation of CholesTea is used special Green Tea and Pomegranate with specific concentrations in polyphenols and catechins to achieve the reduction of cholesterol.


Green Tea Extract (Polyphenols, Catechins, EGCG) 335mg, Organic Pomegranate Extract (Polyphenols) 100mg, Cellulose caps.


3 times a day 1 capsule for 90 days. Then 1 capsule daily.


Natural Formula

Sugar Free / Iodine Free / Gluten Free / No Preservatives No Starch / No Lactose / No Artificial Colors & Fragrances / No Yeast / No Salt / No Animal Ingredients

Suitable for diabetics

Vitamelia products are manufactured, packaged and tested in the EU, with the strictest specifications. They do not contain preservatives, dyes, sweeteners & fats. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Dietary supplements should not be used as a substitute for a balanced diet. This product is not intended to prevent, treat or cure any human disease. Consult your doctor if you are pregnant, breast-feeding, taking medication or have any health problems. Keep out of reach of small children.

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