
What we ingest determines how our skin responds to sunlight.

Skin cells must be strengthened and nourished internally with real food and water to receive the full blessing of interacting with the sun. We can create an internal SPF with an antioxidant-rich diet of sun-grown Super Power Foods, herbs, and luscious fats brimming with nutrients -all contributing to our internal sunscreen.

Summer is a great time to indulge in sun-ripened fruit, vegetables, and herbs that build an internal SPF.

Many of the skin issues that are called “sun damage” are really the result of malnutrition.

Recover your skin’s integrity.

The skin’s outer layer is a thin coating of oils that provides natural anti-bacterial, anti-wrinkle, and sun-screen protection. The integrity of this layer is damaged by soaps, scrubs, chemical peels, and synthetic moisturizers. (These things also disrupt vitamin D production.) Washing and moisturizing the skin with essential oil serums, botanical oils or biological products, as well as dry brushing, regenerates the skin’s top layer, supports the collagen, and feeds the skin’s immunity.

 Sun yourself wisely.

Start slowly but surely, and start in the spring so that you may create a protective tan with phased in exposure. Melanin, the tanned-skin pigment, produced in the spring prevents sunburn in the summer.

There are many, many reasons to avoid synthetic sunscreens, and here are two that may be new to you:

Sunscreens made from synthetic ingredients create a false sense of security by disabling our skin’s early warning system – the sunburn – which keeps us from indulging in too much sun too fast. Most sunscreens only block UVB rays, the rays that cause sunburn, but not UVA rays. Over the long run, people wearing synthetic sunscreens unknowingly overexpose their skin to UV radiation. Unfortunately, sunscreen prevents them from receive any of the benefits of exposure…

UVB rays blocked by sunscreens are the rays we depend on for vitamin D. The interaction of sun on skin is the human form of photosynthesis; sunlight in the form of UVB rays touching the skin activates our bodies production of vitamin D. Scientists are only just beginning to discover how desperately our bodies need skin-made D. In North American, the rate of vitamin D deficiency is soaring — over 75% — and research attributes the host of rising health issues, including heart disease, osteoporosis, juvenile diabetes, MS, and cancer, to the epidemic of D depletion.

Υου can try instead organic sunscreens which protect your skin, plus they benefit your health. Remember to apply after sun cream for skin protection and hudration!

Botanical oils preserve the juiciness of your sun exposure.

Plants, too, require wise interaction with the sun. Almost all plant oils offer some degree of ultraviolet protection to their own tissue – and ours. Plant oils of virgin coconut, jojoba, olive, and seabuckthorn applied to the skin provide a measure of sun protection.

We want to avoid sunburned skin, so for extended hours in the sun that exceed your natural melanin protection and plant oil oversight, wear a hat and cover skin with clothing.

Rejoice in the warm sunshine, and let the elements feed your skin and spirit. Provide to your body a well-nourished diet, protect your skin with the right products and you will not only obtain a healthy tan and a fabulous skin but you will also gain all the benefits from the sun therapy!

Αfter doing your own research, we recommend you to have a look here.



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