Do you want quit smoking & reduce nicotine cravings? Go naturally without any side effects!

In the largest city of northern Israel, the University of Haifa has shared their concluded research showing that omega-3 supplementation significantly reduces nicotine craving, not to mention the number of cigarettes a person smokes on any given day. The study was conducted by the head of the school of criminology department’s addiction program, and the conclusions were published by the University.
Because of the adverse effects of medications, more and more smokers are turning to supplementation to kill the cravings, and thus kill the habit for good. It’s working. Omega-3 is a relatively inexpensive and readily attainable dietary supplement that has virtually zero side effects.
Dr. Sharon Rabinovitz Shenkar, head of the psychopharmacology laboratory and the criminology department, conducted the study and came to some very interesting conclusions that the natural health community has pondered for years.
The doctor says cigarette smoking reduces the levels of essential fatty acids in the brain, especially that of omega-3. This deficiency damages the structure of nerve cells and “interrupts neurotransmission in areas of the brain involved with feeling pleasure and satisfaction.”
Smokers are chemically robbed of true pleasure and satisfaction
Smokers, are you having trouble making big decisions? Are you too critical of yourself, always “kicking yourself” for one reason or another, for not getting enough done, or not helping other people enough? Cigarettes are reducing these essential areas of reward and decision making, making you lose the ability to “pat yourself on the back” for good work or effort, and even making small decisions seem like huge, anxious, nerve-racking ones.
These quelled natural chemicals that control good feelings and fight-or-flight situations can cause a relapse of nicotine addiction. In other words, many smokers return to smoking after quitting because something stressful happens or they are confronted with big decisions. Or worse, they do something wonderful or fun and don’t even enjoy it.
Plain and simple, omega-3 deficiency makes it harder for the smoker’s body to deal with cravings for another smoke.
Dr. Shenkar went on to explain, “Earlier studies have proven that an imbalance in omega-3 is also related to mental health, depression and the ability to cope with pressure and stress. Pressure and stress, in turn, are associated with the urge to smoke.”
When people try to quit cigarettes, they experience a major nutrient deficiency which raises stress and tension levels. Attitudes and emotions can go “through the roof” if those new “non-smokers” don’t get the right organic foods and supplements, like omega-3s. Nobody and no organization has studied this until now. When those studied came off the supplement, cravings did NOT return during the first month that followed treatment discontinuation.
After doing your own research about the benefits of omega-3 for your nicotine cravings, we recommend you to have a look here.
Dr.Lampros Gerakoulias M.D.(E.H.)