What is collagen? Why is it so important for our bodies?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. About 65% of the total amount of protein of the body is composed of collagen.
Collagen is a molecular polypeptide. Like all proteins, it is consisted of an amino acids chain- such as glycine, proline, arginine and hydroxyproline. Collagen is not only the most abundant protein in the body, but it’s also the largest: it is consisted of more than 1500 amino acids.
Based on this complex chain of amino acids, it is understood that collagen has a complex series of functions in the body. It affects almost every part of our body that contains a connective tissue, such as the heart, skin, lungs, muscles, hair, arteries, bones, joints, spinal discs, cartilage, nails, blood cells , liver and prostate.
Collagen Loss
As we age, collagen production drops way off, and any of these systems can be affected. Most common example of collagen decrease: the floorward tendency of our skin and muscles as we age, which doctors call ptosis.
In the organs, decreased collagen causes instability and weakness. Organs like the heart and prostate may enlarge; other organs just get flimsier and weaker. For this type of degenerative problem, drugs rarely work.
What else happens as collagen production decreases? Muscles and skin sag. The bones lose density. The joints and ligaments become weaker and less elastic. Cartilage becomes thinner and weaker at the joints it is supposed to cushion.
Hydrolyzed collagen is effectively absorbable
The hydrolysed collagen is a specific type of collagen that are pre-made for it to be absorbed more easily. Instead put your body in the process to break down the food into amino acids and then re-assemble these amino acids in collagen, hydrolyzed collagen bypasses this step.
The hydrolyzed collagen gives key in your body small, useful chain peptides and amino acids which are ready for use by the body.
These hydrolyzed collagen supplements are usually made from high-quality gelatin. Indeed, according to surveys, hydrolyzed collagen powder is more beneficial for the body as opposed to liquid collagen because it does not contain preservatives for preservation.
Scientific evidence of hydrolysed collagen
Since Hydrolyzed Collagen contains most essential amino acids, it is not surprising then that third party clinical studies have clearly demonstrated significant skin improvement by taking it daily.
A 2008 study in Tokyo of 33 women ages 40-60 who took 10 g of Hydrolyzed Collagen daily for 2 months showed a 91% increase in skin hydration and resilience.
A Dermiscan study in Lyon France in 2008 showed similar findings in an age group of 35-55: an increase in skin smoothness and hydration, using the new Corneometer and Skin Image Analyzer technologies. After 12 weeks of 10g Hydrolyzed Collagen daily, 41% less furrowing, less wrinkles, more resilient, more hydrated. Skin resilience was measured by the C&Z Cutometer, which is objective and state of the art.
Other scientists have shown exactly how the new collagen is rebuilt, not only in the skin, but in bones and ligaments. Metabolites of Hydrolyzed Collagen build bone, skin and ligaments by attracting fibroblasts. This is how they trigger the synthesis of new collagen
The Top 7 Benefits of collagen in the body.
- rebuilds skin and hair
- assists in treating various disorders of the joints
- contribute to the treatment of the leaky gut syndrome
- boosts metabolism and energy
- strengthens nails and teeth
- helps to detoxify the body
- reduces signs of cellulite and increases the elasticity of the skin
Getting Collagen Into Your Life
Collagen supplements, like collagen protein powder, are another easy way to increase your collagen intake. Make sure that you get your powder from grass-fed, pasture-raised cows (with no antibiotics or chemicals). It is important to note that there are many factors that support the formation and use of collagen in the body, such as vitamin C, manganese, copper, proline and foods high in Anthocyanidins (such as blueberries, cherries and blackberries). In order for collagen to be activated in the body, you always want to take your supplements with a source of amino acids and vitamin C, or make sure that your supplement includes these activating nutrients to ensure absorption and usefulness to your body.
After doing your own research for collagen and its benefits, I suggest you to have a look here.
AdRianna Gkika
Holistic Healing