Floor (5lt)
Original price was: 18,00 €.16,20 €Η τρέχουσα τιμή είναι: 16,20 €.
Biodegradable Floor and Surface Cleaning Product, with Lavender & Orange aroma
Floor & Surface Cleaning Product with Lavender & Orange aroma
Liquid biodegradable general purpose detergent suitable for any wood surface, marble, granite, tile, and wood floors. Fragrances and gives the house intense freshness.
Mix 2 Floor caps in water for mopping or half a Floor cap for cleaning furniture.
At Vitamelia we offer products for all the needs of the household and the professional, which are manufactured in Greece with a quality system certified according to ISO 9001: 2008, are notified to the competent authorities and comply with the European Legislation on detergents.
VitaMelia cleaners are:
- Non-flammable
- Non-caustic
- Free of Phosphorus, Allergens, EDTA, Chlorine & Ammonia
- Surfactants are biodegradable in the environment in accordance with 648/2004 / EC
- Suitable for any washable surface, dissolving oil spills, as well as decontaminating birds or animals
- Effective against grease, oil grease, oil, burning oils in kitchens & ovens and all kinds of dirt
- Ideal for floors of any material
- They clean windows, walls, bathrooms & carpets
Vitamelia cleaners do not need special measures and means of protection during use and storage.
Ingredients: Aqua / Isotridecanol, ethoxylated / Sodium Laureth Sulfate / Sodium Hydroxide / Monosodium Citrate / Perfume
Ingredient information: https://ec.europa.eu/growth/sectors/cosmetics/cosing_en
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