Men’s After Shave Balm (50ml)*
Original price was: 28,00 €.19,60 €Η τρέχουσα τιμή είναι: 19,60 €.
After shave balm, with soothing and moisturizing action!
Men’s After Shave Balm (50ml)
Active Ingredients: Reed Extract, Aloe Juice,
Calendula Oil, Organic Olive Oil
Men’s After Shave Balm is a natural after-shave cream, with moisturizing and irritating agents. Specifically, it contains reed extract with proven action in the treatment and relief of damaged skin. It also contains aloe juice, calendula oil and organic olive oil, for extra protection from shaving irritations but also simultaneous treatment and hydration of the skin, which is left rejuvenated and uniquely soft.
Reed Extract (SYRICALM)
Natural ingredient for the care of sensitive and irritated skin. Reduces erythema (redness of the skin), relieves itching and improves the protective network of the skin, thus strengthening its defense mechanism. The action of Syricalm in reducing the loss of skin moisture, as well as in reducing erythema caused by UV radiation is the most effective, compared to other substances and preparations used for irritation.
Aloe juice is a source of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, but also amino acids that are the "building blocks" of proteins. Thanks to the synergy between these ingredients, it offers soothing and soothing action and strengthens the skin's defenses.
Panthenol (provitamin B5)
Provitamin B5 hydrates and soothes effectively. Its moisturizing properties make it ideal for treating dehydrated or irritated skin.

Biological olive oil
Olive oil is rich in oleic acid (omega-9 fatty acids) and phenolic components, so it nourishes and helps the skin regain its hydrolipid balance, while offering significant antioxidant protection.
Calendula oil
Rich in flavonoids and carotenoids, it relieves the skin from irritation and redness, while giving a unique softness.
Alpha Bizabolol
Natural ingredient derived from chamomile with anti-irritant and mild antiseptic / antimicrobial action. Protects against possible infections and soothes irritated skin.
Apply to face after shaving, trimming or daily and apply with upward movements until absorbed.
Natural Formula
No Parabens /No Silicone / No Mineral Oil / No Pegs / No Propylene Glycol / Parfum Allergen Free
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