Bio Jojoba Oil (100ml)
26,00 €
100% καθαρό, φυσικό & οργανικό, ψυχρής έκθλιψης
Jojoba Oil 100% pure, natural & organic, cold pressed
It does not contain preservatives or other additives
Organic Jojoba oil is one of the best oils in the world as it is a food for the skin. The oil comes from the fruit of a shrubby plant whose name is pronounced "hohoba". The fruit and the oil derived from the fruit are rich in vitamin E, proteins and minerals.
Properties of Jojoba Oil
In cosmetology, jojoba oil has many and wide applications, with beneficial properties for the skin. Its structure is similar to the natural sebum of human skin and therefore it can penetrate the skin more easily than any other oil. As extremely moisturizing, jojoba oil is ideal for dry and mature skin, and has significant anti-inflammatory action. When used in massage, it has a moisturizing and emollient effect. Equally important is that jojoba oil retains moisture in the tissues, thus keeping the skin supple and slowing down the aging process.
It also has anti-inflammatory properties, therefore it is ideal for the treatment of skin inflammations, while very good results have been observed from its use in psoriasis and eczema. Nourishes the skin and is suitable for all skin types and all ages. It is a natural sunscreen and creates an interesting base for sunscreens. It is also effective for dryness and dandruff and can be used on its own to massage the scalp. The texture of the oil is similar to the acidic mantle of the skin and for this reason it maintains the moisture of the skin and its elasticity in any type. Contains minerals and a crucial ingredient that mimics collagen.
Used on the face, body and hair from the whole family, and is suitable for all skin types.
Vitamelia Jojoba Oil is 100% pure, natural, organic and cold pressed. For its maximum efficiency in the bottle with the oil, there is also its fruit! In this way it never loses its effectiveness, while it is 10 times more enhanced!
For face hydration : Apply a few drops all over the face and neck and gently massage upward movements. Leave it on overnight.
For body hydration: Apply a few drops on the desired area by gently massaging with circular upward movements. You can also use it instead of body cream after the bath.
For damaged hair: Once a week, before shampooing, apply jojoba oil on your hair (not on the roots) or where there is a problem with scissors and severe hair dryer, dyes, etc. Wrap your hair in a warm towel and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Then take a bath.
Natural Formula
No Parabens /No Silicone / No Mineral Oil / No Pegs / No Propylene Glycol / Parfum Allergen Free
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